Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Welcome to Fall 2020


Links and Resources to a Smooth Start:

If you taught this summer, remember to save a copy of your grades and copy your course. Cara Smulevitz, Online Mentor at Mesa, made this helpful video: Canvas Course Exporting

Remember to Publish your Canvas courses by the first day of classes.

As you have been working in a Develoment Shell, you'll want to copy content into your new course. Here's some tutorials:

The Humanizing Challenge (August 11-13)

Creating Your Course Brand (with helpful sizes and templates from Canva)

10 Quick Tips for Designing a Welcoming Home Page (quick 2-minute video worth your time)

Canvas Studio is available! Check out the Canvas Studio Guides

From @safsocialstudy on Twitter: A genius way to meet different students' needs in Zoom Breakout Rooms:

Sharing infographics below I created for my students about expectations and communication.
(Remember any infographics like this need clear alt-text to be accessible). If you aren't sure, check out Day 8 of the Accessibility Challenge: Complex Images).

Food for Thought

New Mentor Opportunity 


Finally, I want to end by thanking all of you! I enjoyed supporting everyone in the move to fully remote last semester, and continue to be absolutely inspired by all of your dedication and innovation. 

Thank you for allowing me the space to share my passion for technology and my love for online teaching and learning. 

Please look for an announcement coming soon for applications to be the next Online Faculty Mentor at Miramar College! I hope you will consider applying for this important role. 

Staying in touch: I won't be blogging here, but continue to share and post on Twitter @dmaduliwilliams and Instagram @professormadwill.

I'm also collaborating on a series of very short (15-minute) workshops with Rechelle Mojica called The LOTT: Learn One Tiny Thing, so stay tuned for more details.