Monday, October 28, 2019

Week 11, Fall 2019

Everyone who attended a Viewing Room session or posted on our Takeaways Padlet was entered in a drawing to win a complimentary @ONE (Online Network of Educators) course. The winner was pulled at the end of the day Friday.

Congratulations Nirmala Kashyap from the Math Department!

Can-Innovate 2019 Recap

Can-Innovate was a free online conference last Friday, October 25. Miramar College hosted one of the 65 viewing rooms across the state, with nearly 5,000 educators tuning in to presentations focused on California Community College Canvas users. 

Padlet Takeaways:

Throughout the day, Miramar participants posted reactions, links, resources, and photos. It's not too late to share something you learned (click the pink + sign to add a post). To see the Padlet full-screen, click the arrow in the top right corner.

Made with Padlet

Can-Innovate Highlights:

I am still processing everything I learned, so here are just a few highlights in no particular order:

I followed the @ONE and #CanInnovate19 hashtag on Twitter and enjoyed reading comments and posts from across California. Scroll through and enjoy here: #CanInnovate19 and @ONE

Hearing in the Keynote from Kona Jones (Director of Online Learning, Richland Community College) that within the last 12 months, 87.4% of students reported feeling overwhelmed by all they had to do. Her full keynote slides are here: Integrating Compassion into your Teaching

Michelle Pacansky-Brock, Faculty Mentor, CVC-OEI, shared an easy way to get to know your online students at the beginning of the semester: Student Info Form

If you haven't seen it yet, do take a look at the Peralta Online Equity Rubric.

Maritez Apigo, Professor, Contra Costa College, showcased how small group discussions build community and foster greater interaction than the usual, "Post-Once-Reply-Twice" forums. See the video she shares with her students here: How to Use Groups in Canvas.

Chelsea Cohen, DE Coordinator, Laney College, presented how Twitter allows her students to make connections with educational experts and professionals. There are many ideas here for Teaching with Twitter.

While munching on popcorn, Mardi Parelman, Nutrition Professor and I participated in the Canvas Trivia Kahoot! even managing to get Miramar College at the top of the leaderboard briefly. Along the way, we learned a number of surprising and useful tips! 

Check out the Kahoot! here: Canvas Trivia, to view the questions, answers, and video instructions on topics from the dashboard, speedgrader, accessibility and more.

One huge tidbit I learned was how to magically undelete in Canvas! Video here: Undelete in Canvas.

If you are wondering if anyone is viewing your instructional videos, this will be of interest to you: Embedding Quizzes in Videos.

I am sure I have missed other higlights during the day, so I'll leave you with this message I received from a faculty member who joined me for a few sessions in the Viewing Room. After hearing about how one presenter sends messages before an assignment is due, she tried the Canvas Reminder feature:

The following morning, the professor found three more Thank You emails from students who appreciated the nudge.

Our DE Committee Chair, Cheryl Reed, walked us through Message Someone Who earlier this semester. You can view her post here: Message Someone Who

Can-Innovate Session Resources:
Video archives to each session will be available soon. Slides and resources from each session are already available by clicking directly on each session in the program for more information. Full Program here: Can-Innovate19 Program

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