Monday, March 23, 2020

Special Edition 4: Canvas Hack: Create a Internet Access Survey

Thanks to Mara Palma-Sanft for sharing a survey her high schoolers received in preparation for going remote!  This can help you get a sense of your students' ability to access your course materials online, and work directly with students who may have challenges that have nothing to do with course content.

I revised the high school-oriented survey to reflect Miramar's setup and created a poll in Canvas for my students. 

 To create a poll in Canvas: 
  • Create a new Quiz
  • Select UNGRADED SURVEY in the pull down menu
  • Create multiple choice or fill-in-the blank questions
  • Save and publish!

Technology and Internet Access Survey

Instructions: This is a quick survey to let us know the best way to keep you in touch with online class materials. If you need to talk beyond the questions here, please email me at -------

1.  First Name, Last Name

2.  Which of these devices do you use primarily to connect to the internet?
            Computer (Desktop or Laptop)
            Tablet (iPad, Galaxy, etc.)
            Smart Phone
            I do not have access to the internet

Which of the following best describes your access to the device (computer, tablet, smart phone)?
            I have exclusive use of the device.
            I share the device with others.

4 . What's the best time for you to access course materials/the Internet?
            In the morning
            In the afternoon
            In the evening
            Any time I need it

5.  Where do you access the Internet?
            At home
            At work
            At a public place like the library
            At a friend's

6. Is there a data limit on your internet access?

7.  Do you have the capability to watch videos, Face Time, or Skype?

8. How many people use your Internet access?

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